We define startups operating in Türkiye with a valuation of 1 Billion Dollars as Turcorn.

We aim to count new Turcorns to the Turkish startup ecosystem with the Turcorn 100 Program, in which we support technology startups that have successfully passed the early stage and have high growth potential, in order to scale faster and open to global markets.


Experienced representatives who will share their vision with startups await you in this program. In various technology verticals and target global markets; professionals who are experts in the fields of growth barriers such as human resource management, branding, marketing, globalization and intellectual property are with you with all their support.

Abdullah Eren
Ministry of Culture and Tourism Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities - President
Agah Mehmet Tara
ENKA İnşaat ve Sanayi A.Ş. - Chairman of the Board and General Manager
Ahmet Akyol
Ahmet Yozgatlıgil
Middle East Technical University - Rector
Ahmet Serdar İbrahimcioğlu
KOSGEB - President
Ahu Büyükkuşoğlu Serter
Fark Labs - Founder
Ali Taha Koç
Turkcell - Chief Executive Officer
Aslı Deniz Helvacıoğlu
Boğaziçi University - Department of International Trade, Center for Innovation and Competition Based Development Studies
Atilla Demir Yerlikaya
Anadolu Group - President of Corporate Affairs, Communications and Sustainability
Avi Alkaş
Alkaş and Hanspaces - Chairman of the Board
Aykut Fırat
Simpplr - Chief Data Sceintist
Ayşem Sargın
Boeing Turkey and Central Asia - Managing Director and Country Executive
Aytül Erçil
Vispera - Co CEO
Barbaros Özbuğutu
iyzico - Chairman of the Board
Barış Özistek
Boğaziçi Ventures - Executive Board Member Joygame - Chairman
Burak Dağlıoğlu
Investment Office of the Presidency - President
Burak Ertaş
sahibinden.com - CEO
Burak Kılıç
UPS France - General Manager
Bülent Altan
Alpine Space Ventures - Investment Manager
Bülent Turan
Ministry of Interior - Deputy Minister
Cansu Deniz Bayrak
Bethnal Green Ventures - Senior Partner
Celal Sami Tüfekci
Minister of National Defence - Deputy Minister
Celile Eren Ökten
Ministry of National Education – Deputy Minister
Cengizhan Öztürk
Boğaziçi University Istanbul Health Industry Cluster (ISEK) Association - Founding Chairman
Cihad Terzioğlu
360 Enerji - General Manager MÜSİAD Board Member
Çetin Ali Dönmez
Ministry of Industry and Technology - Deputy Minister
Didem Duru
Cisco Türkiye - General Manager
Ebru Dorman
HSBC Türkiye and Borusan Lojistik - Independent Board Member Angel Investor
Efe Erdem
MESS Technology Center (MEXT) - Group Director
Erdem Erkul
Cerebrum Tech - Founder & Chairman Council of European Professional Informatics Societies - Vice President Digital Technologies Business Council at Foreign Economic Relations Board - Chairperson
Erman Karaca
TFI Tab Food Investments – Chief Technology Officer
Fahrettin Oylum
Teknopalas Yüksek Teknoloji - Co Founder H2O Investment - Co Founder
Faruk Özçelik
Ministry of Labour and Social Security - Deputy Minister
Gökhan Mendi
TEB - Senior Assistant General Manager, Head of Consumer & Private Banking
Hakan Altınay
Altınay Teknoloji A.Ş. - Chairman of the Board
Hakan Baş
Ace Games - CEO
Haluk Görgün
Presidency of Defence Industries - President
Hande Çilingir
Insider - Co-Founder and CEO
Hande Enes
Technology Investor
Hasan Mandal
İstanbul Technical University - Rector
Hasan Süel
Vodafone Türkiye - Chief External Affairs Officer
Hilkat Özgün
Retired Scientist (Energy Storage)
Hüseyin Karslıoğlu
Sistem Global - Chairman of the Board
İbrahim Öztop
Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye - General Manager and Member of the Board
İlhami Keleş
Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation - General Manager
İlke Çarkçı Toptaş
META - Country Director for Türkiye
İsmet Ömer Öztanık
Türkiye Tourism Promotion and Development Agency - Executive Board Member
Kerem Kızıltunç
Turkish Airlines - Chief Information Officer
Koray Gültekin Bahar
Figopara - Co Founder, CEO and TOBB - Fintech Council Chairman
Kübra Kalyoncu Şeherli
Kalyon PV - Chairman of the Board
Mahmut Sami Şahin
Mahmut Sami Şahin
Mehmet Fatih Kacır
Ministry of Industry and Technology - Minister
Mehmet Gürcan Karakaş
Mehmet Kemal Bozay
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Deputy Minister
Mehmet Keteloğlu
Google Türkiye - Director
Muhammed Zeki Durak
Turkish Patent and Trademark Office – President
Murat İkinci
ROKETSAN - General Manager
Mustafa Murat Şeker
Presidency of Defense Industries - Vice President
Mustafa Tuzcu
Ministry of Trade - Deputy Minister
Münir Kundakçı
Microsoft Türkiye - Director of Marketing and Operations
Nüket Küçükel
Güven Hospital A.Ş. - Deputy Chairman of the Board
Oruç Baba İnan
Ministry of Industry and Technology - Deputy Minister
Oğuzhan Öztürk
WAT Motor Company - General Manager
Ömer Burhanoğlu
Fark Holding - Board Member and CEO
Ömer Fatih Sayan
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure - Deputy Minister
Özgür Burak Akkol
Koç Holding - Tourism, Food and Retailing Group President TİSK - President MESS - President
Renan Gökyay
Nurus - Board Member
Sami Konukoğlu
Asko Holding - Chairman of the Board
Selman Demirel
TURKSAT- Deputy General Manager of Satellite Services
Serdar Alemdar
ODTÜ Teknokent - General Manager
Serdar Gürbüz
Turkish Airlines Financial Technologies - Board Member Türkiye Teknoloji Takımı Vakfı - Member of the Board of Trustees
Sinan Güler
Technology Investor
Şuayip Birinci
Ministry of Health - Deputy Minister
Tankut Turnaoğlu
Procter & Gamble - CEO and Chairman of the Board Turkey, Caucasus & Central Asia
Tansu Yeğen
UiPath Europe - Vice President
Temel Kotil
Turkish Aerospace Industries - President
Tuncay Tütek
Getir - Co-Founder
Ümit Leblebici
Umran İnan
Koç University - Board of Trustees Advisor (Rector between 2009 – 2021)
Vahap Küçük
LC Waikiki - Chairman of the Board


Other major supports of our program are the privileges and mentorship sessions provided for Turcorn 100 members by global brand stakeholders of The Program. These supports will empower your company to climb the ladder quickly.

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Domestic Accelerator Program

An accelerated domestic training and a sharing process awaits program members with experienced mentors and events.

Global Accelerator Program

Program members, who will receive information about different market dynamics abroad, will begin to prepare their brands to the world.


Selected startups to our ecosystem will be promoted under the Turcorn 100 brand. Under this roof, our program based on knowledge and market sharing; the brand will continue to participate in ecosystem-specific events during and after the program.

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Access to finance is one of the most important needs in the startup ecosystem. The financing needs of technology and innovation based startups that exceed a certain scale also differ. With this awareness, the financing opportunities offered specifically to the startups selected for the Turcorn 100 ecosystem are just one of the Program’s contributions. Within the scope of this Program, many opportunities are offered, from special treatment in government funds and incentives to access to private venture capital investments.